
Who Are We

Child Aid Associatio/n (CAA) is a registered voluntary organization with the Department of Social Welfare Government of Sindh. It was founded in 1979 and presently it has over 150 members. The activities of the Association are governed by an elected executive committee, and its finances are audited by M/s. Muniff Ziauddin & Co., chartered accountants. The Association, till now, has helped over a million underprivileged children at the National Institute of Child Health (NICH) by providing free medicines and special investigations that are not available at the hospital. Life support and other equipment for intensive care and operating rooms have also been provided to facilitate complicated surgery.

Having established the first pediatric Cancer Center in Pakistan in 1999 at NICH, the Association is providing free treatment to all patients. Till 30th June 2024 10,485 children have been treated., coming from all over Pakistan and neighboring countries. The Cancer Center has achieved 70% disease free survival in those who completed treatment as per international protocols.

In 2007 a Cytogenetic Laboratory was stablished at the NICH with the assistance of Association of Physicians of Pakistani origin North America (APPNA), Rotary Club, Sunset Millennium, Karachi and many other local donors. A molecular lab was also commissioned in 2009, with the assistance of Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal and with the cooperation of Rotary Club, Sunset Millennium. The lab not only provides services to cancer patients, but also patients of endocrinology at NICH and outside. A Total Parental Nutrition (TPN) lab was established in 2011 sponsored by Infaq Foundation and open for NICH as well as outside patients.

Who runs the Child Aid Association

The Association is run by an executive committee, elected every two years by the general body of the members. The executive committee has all the authority to raise funds, disburse them with due care and take all the decisions with respect to future projects. Child Aid Association has good working relationship with the administration of NICH.

Funds of Association

The Association raise funds through direct contacts, fund raisers, appeals for zakat and other donation through press and electronic media.

We acknowledge with gratitude the finacial support provided by Infaq Foundation, Bank Al-Habib Limited, Bank Al-Falah Limited, Dubai Islamic Bank Ltd., Health Department, Government of Sindh, Infaq Foundation, HBL Foundation., Sunset Millennium: Pak Arab Refinery Co. and a large number of individual donors in carrying out our work.

To facilitate donors in USA, Child Aid Association was registered as a charity in 2016, under the name, ‘Child Aid Association, Inc.’ Donations are received through PayPal and subsequently transferred to the bank account. Any queries can be sent to CAA in USA@gmail.com